Plataforma digital da ONU oferece 47 cursos gratuitos e virtuais. As formações são de curta duração e ofertadas em parceria com diversas empresas. Essa pode ser uma oportunidade interessante de enriquecer o seu currículo. Veja mais são os cursos disponíveis e como fazê-los.
A Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) está com inscrições abertas para 47 cursos gratuitos e virtuais. dessas formações, três estão disponíveis em português, as demais estão em inglês e francês. Vale lembrar que todos os cursos garantes certificado para aqueles que concluírem dentro das regras estabelecidas.
Cursos gratuitos da ONU
Prevenção de Desperdício Alimentar
- 5 horas
- 2 horas
Curso online introdutório sobre mudança climática
- 12 horas
Intégration du changement climatique dans les politiques nationale, sectorielle et locale
- 4 horas
Circular Economy in South Africa
- 2 horas
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
- 3.5 horas
Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning
- 3 horas
- 2 horas
Gender Equality and Human Rights in Climate Action and Renewable Energy
- 6 horas
Mastering National Adaptation Plans: from Start to Finish
- 3 horas
Introduction to Sustainable Finance (NEW)
- 10 horas
An Introduction to Climate Change and Human Rights
- 3.5 horas
Plastic Waste and the Basel Convention
- 3 horas
National Implementation Plans and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
- 3 horas
Introductory Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation
- 2 horas
Climate Change Negotiations and Health
- 3 horas
Indicators for an inclusive green economy: Advanced course
- 3 horas
- 4.5 horas
Integrating Climate Change in UNICEF’s Planning and Programming
- 3 horas
- 2 horas
- 2 horas
Indicators for an inclusive green economy: Introductory course
- 2 horas
Climate Change: From Learning to Action
- 8 horas
Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs
- 12 horas
- 12 horas
2Introduction to Green Economy
- 10 horas
Open Online Course on Gender and Environment
- 6 horas
Introduction to Sustainable Finance
- 2 horas
Sustainable Consumption and Production in Africa
- 6 horas
Climate Change International Legal Regime
- 3 horas
- 12 horas
Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation
- 30 horas
- 2 horas
- 2 horas
Human Health and Climate Change
- 2 horas
- 1 horas
Finding the Money – Financing Climate Action
- 0.45 horas
Making the Right Choices – Prioritizing Adaptation Options
- 0.45 horas
International Aviation: Intro to States’ Action Plans to Reduce CO2
- 2 horas
Climate Information and Services
- 1 horas
Keeping the Taps Running in a Changing Climate
- 0.45 horas
Climate Policy and Public Finance
- 0.30 horas
- 0.30 horas
How to Review IPCC Assessment Reports: Webinars and Guidance for Climate Experts
- 3 horas
Green Transition in Eastern Partnership Countries
- 50 horas
National Adaptation Plans: Building Climate Resilience in Agriculture
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